Circumcision and Post-Circumcision Care


  • Device used a is Gomco Clamp

  • Procedure takes about 5 minutes

  • Pain meds are not needed after the procedure

  • Healing takes about 7 days

  • Typically no stitches are used, however if used it will be dissolvable

  • Dermabond or glue may be present to help with bleeding

  • Only apply Vaseline or petroleum based ointment to the diaper where the penis will touch 3-4 times per day. This will prevent the penis from sticking to the diaper.

  • Spotting is completely normal

  • At about 3-4 weeks start to pull any skin back gently so that the glans penis or the “mushroom head” of the penis is exposed fully

  • This will help prevent adhesions and possible skin bridges

  • Swelling is also normal after the procedure

  • If excessive bleeding or any concerns contact your doctor right away

  • Always remember there is no penis Dr. Pham can’t make perfect. If you feel something is not right contact me right away.

Post Surgical Care


  • The below instructions are general instructions for Dr. Pham’s most common surgeries. He tailors care specifically to each of his patients so he will tell you after surgery any specific care that is needed.

  • Typically after surgery the child will have a pain block that will immediately help with post surgical pain and will continue to help for a few hours

  • Depending on the severity of the surgery, medications for pain control are prescribed to the patients

  • Usually for patient’s younger than 6 months old, only Tylenol and a numbing cream may be needed at home. Your doctor with go over specifically what is needed after surgery

  • For patients 6 months of age and older, Tylenol as well as ibuprofen can be used for pain, assuming the child has no kidney issues

  • If the surgery is involved, or if the child is older than 1-year, than a combination of medication including narcotics will be give to the parents

  • Sometimes a dressing will be placed on the surgical site. Most of the time these will be removed at home, but some will be removed in the clinic. Your doctor will advise you on what needs to be done.

  • Most stitches that are used are dissolvable and will not need to be removed in the clinic.

  • Common post operative occurrences after surgery may include but are not limited to:

    • Spotting of blood

    • Leakage around a catheter

    • Swelling at surgical site

    • Fever of low grade

    • Diarrhea

    • Pain

    • Split urinary stream

    • As long as the child can eat and drink, and does not continually spike fever, than the patient should be safe to observe. However, if there are any questions or concerns at all, call the office or go to the nearest Emergency Room